Today’s hike heading to the Scott Road Trailhead was 99 percent roads. But the hiking wasn’t all that bad.

So, the first few miles were along a curving, hilly, scenic road. This road was in the countryside, near only tiny towns. Yet cars and trucks were regularly whizzing by. This is not uncommon on hiking trails, and it always amazes me. Because who are all these people driving along tiny backroads? They aren’t all retirees. So who are they, and where are they driving?!

After a mile or so hiking along those remote roads, I tucked into the woods for several miles of trail. It was just lovely here. The trail unspooled along a pretty creek with really green water. When I emerged from the forest, it was onto Look ‘n Tremble Road – ha! And here, Judy was waiting. Judy walked with me on the connecting road route toward Scott Road for a few miles before turning back.

Making My Way to Scott Road

When Judy left, I had +15 more miles on the roads, which wasn’t so fun. But I did find 37 cents! 🙂 The nicest part of this section was spotting a big, yellow sign on someone’s lawn welcoming hikers to stop and rest. In addition to the sign, there was a small fridge filled with all sorts of things a hiker might need. The fridge contained had water, oatmeal, grits, raisins, bandages, needles, etc. A sign on the fridge door welcomed you to take whatever you needed. I didn’t need anything, but I left a note of thanks. Oh, and there was also a chair there for your pit stop comfort.

I met Judy a half-mile short of the Florida Trail’s Scott Road Trailhead. She stopped early because the path here was really sandy, and she was afraid her car would get stuck. Stopping a half-mile early was just fine with me!


P.S. I later learned the reason for the funny name “Look ‘n Tremble Road.” It’s near the Look and Tremble Rapids along the Chicola River, the green one I wrote about above. 

©2018 Melanie McManus – All Rights Reserved

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