North Country Trail 2017 – Still Hiking

  • Michigan NCT Day 1: East of Grand Marais to Grand Marais (5/26/2017) - And so our section-hike of the North Country Trail (NCT) begins, here in Grand Marais! This is Grand Marais, Michigan. It's a little confusing, because there's another Grand Marais in Minnesota that's also part of the North Country Trail (and the Superior Hiking Trail). Even more confusing, I know. But many National Scenic Trails piggyback on existing trails, as is the case with the Superior Hiking Trail also being part of the NCT. But I digress!
  • Michigan NCT Day 2: Grand Marais to Coves Campsites (5/27/2017) - Today's hike was heading west of Grand Marais to Coves Campsites in Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. This is a little odd, since we're ultimately trying to get to St. Ignace, which lies to the east. But we wanted to explore a little of Pictured Rocks, and have enough time to hike a day here and still make it to St. Ignace before a conference I'm attending. So that's why we're doing this.
  • Michigan NCT Day 3: Muskellonge Lake State Park to Just East of Grand Marais (5/28/2017) - Today's hike: Muskellonge Lake back to the east side of Grand Marais. Not to talk too much about our shuttle strategy, but I'd wanted to hike eastbound every day because, well, we are heading eastbound! And I like to do things in proper sequence. That is, starting every day at the point in the trail where I left off the previous day.
  • Michigan NCT Day 4: Culhane Lake Campground to Muskellonge Lake State Park (5/29/2017) - Today's hike began at Culhane Lake Campground near the Two-Hearted River area, where Ernest Hemingway loved to fish. But oy, the things that can snag your plans! I'd given Ed directions for the trailhead, then began working on my laptop and not paying attention to the road. Long story short, Ed missed a key turn and we lost about an hour.
  • Michigan NCT Day 5: Tahquamenon Lower Falls to Culhane Lake (5/30/2017) - I was excited to start the day at Tahquamenon Lower Falls. Because, well, waterfalls are always cool! But oh, brother! Our errors and mishaps continue. So today we had roughly 20 miles (32.2 km) to hike from Tahquamenon State Park's lower falls to Culhane Lake, where we started yesterday.
  • Michigan NCT Day 6: Naomikong Overlook to Tahquamenon Lower Falls (5/31/2017) - Today we were starting off from Naomikong Overlook, a spot on Lake Superior's Tahquamenon Bay. Unfortunately, rain was forecast for the morning. Not what we wanted to learn after yesterday's misadventures. But you can't expect sunny days every day. Sure enough, as soon as we began hiking west from Naomikong Overlook, it started raining.
  • Michigan NCT Day 7: Pine River Campground to Naomikong Overlook (6/1/2017) - Today, heading out from Pine River Campground, started out great. The morning was cool and sunny. Ed and I headed north along the trail, and we were an hour or two in when we met Bill Courtois, a trail angel who was freshening up blazes. We chatted for a while, then pushed on. After meeting Bill, the trail got lumpy and bumpy – sort of like a farm field. This really bothered the bottoms of our feet.
  • Michigan NCT Day 8: Pine River Campground to Burma Road (6/2/2017) - Unfortunately, Ed was still in bad shape today, when our itinerary called for hiking to Burma Road. So I headed out alone with him crewing me. I heard and saw a pair of sandhill cranes calling to one another across a lake. It was incredible. I saw a large beaver dam. I crossed a lot of boardwalks drowning in vegetation, which made me nervous because it's tick season.
  • Michigan NCT Day 9: Burma Road to St. Ignace (6/3/2017) - Today I was hiking out from Burma Road. Ed's foot was a tiny bit better, but still nowhere near hike-worthy. So I headed southwest on Burma Road, walking the first stretch. I was clad head-to-toe in my bug suit. Last night I kept waking up and feeling like I had a tick on me, so I wasn't taking chances anymore.
  • Wisconsin NCT Day 1: Iron County Forest (Hwy. 122 to 169) (11/11/2017) - I'd planned to hike about 25 miles (40.2 km) of the North Country Trail today from the U.P.-Wisconsin border near Ironwood, Michigan, to the Copper Falls area just outside Iron County. My friend, Doug, was going to join me. Yesterday, we hiked about 14 miles (22.5 km) of the Ice Age Trail (Harrison Hills) for an article I was writing for Backpacker Magazine.
  • Superior Hiking Trail: Another Adventure Begins (6/2/2018) - Today I'm starting a thru-hike of the 315-mile Superior Hiking Trail, which runs from just south of Duluth, Minn., up along the North Shore of Lake Superior nearly to Canada. I've long heard this is a beautiful, rugged trail and was thrilled when the Minneapolis Star Tribune asked me to hike it and then write a series of articles about my experience.
  • Minnesota NCT Day 1: Southern Terminus to Jay Cooke State Park/Grand Portage (6/2/2018) - Wow, what a crazy first day on the trail (heading north from the southern terminus). The Superior Hiking Trail (SHT) starts in the south in the middle of the woods on the border with Wisconsin. Since the parking area is 2 miles away, you have to hike in to the terminus, then hike back out and continue on. Ed (Stubs) and I were set to start hiking around 9 or 9:30 – a bit late, as we were driving up from Eau Claire this morning. The forecast was for highs around 45 and rain starting around noon. Not the greatest. Well, it began POURING shortly before we were to start.
  • Minnesota NCT Day 2: Jay Cooke State Park/Grand Portage to Kingsbury Creek (6/3/2018) - Today's start was Jay Cooke State Park, and I thought we were going to have a warm day, if gray, and no rain. Instead, it rained until shortly before we started. This meant the trails stayed super water-logged and muddy. Not only that, but on this, Day 2, the big climbs and descents started. So we slipped and slid all day long.
  • Minnesota NCT Day 3: Kingsbury Creek to Hartley Nature Center (6/4/2018) - Today's itinerary called for hiking from Kingsbury Creek to Hartley Nature Center. And, yessss! The sun finally came out on Day 3 of this adventure. Not only did we have sun, but the temps were perfect – low 70s F. (21 C.) for the high – and there was a breeze. The breeze cooled us off, plus plugged away at drying all of the mud.
  • Minnesota NCT Day 4: Hartley Nature Center to Normanna Road (6/5/2018) - Today was an up-and-down day, as we made our way out from Hartley Nature Center toward Normanna Road. The up-and-down part didn't come from the terrain, but how we felt about the trail. From the nature center, the path began along some city streets, then dipped into the woods. This was pleasant, and there was one very nice overlook.
  • Minnesota NCT Day 5: Normanna Road to Big Bend Camp (6/6/2018) - Today we were starting out from the mosquito-y parking spot on Normanna Road. It was going to be our first of four nights camping. But it was raining in the morning – not in the forecast – so we decided to wait it out before starting. Why start out and get immediately soaked?
  • Minnesota NCT Day 6: Big Bend Camp to Reeves Falls Camp (6/7/2018) - I finally fell asleep in our Big Bend Camp at about 5 a.m., only to be awakened around 7:15 by Ed packing up camp, specifically his squeaky sleeping pad. It was annoying, but of course we did need to get moving. It took us until 9:30 a.m. to break up camp, eat breakfast and get going. Clearly, we are novices at camping!
  • Minnesota NCT Day 7: Reeves Falls Camp to East Gooseberry Falls Camp (6/8/2018) - As Ed and I broke camp in Reeves Falls this morning, Bob and Brian made us French press coffee – yum! Then it was time to hit the trail. The first few hours of hiking took us through a lot of wet grass, water and mud. Ugh. But then we began climbing, and got our first few views of Lake Superior! I know it's the largest freshwater lake in the world by volume. I know how massive all of the Great Lakes are. But it is still so impressive to see her from the trail – she is so enormous!
  • Minnesota NCT Day 8: East Gooseberry Falls to Split Rock River (6/9/2018) - Today's hike from Gooseberry Falls to Split Rock was supposed to be a sunny one. Instead, shortly after we woke up it started to rain. Well, shoot! My phone said the rain would last until 9 or 10 a.m. Our clothes and gear were already full of mud, and this was making things much worse. We didn't want to start the day off getting soaked, so we bided our time.
  • Minnesota NCT DAY 9: Split Rock River State Park to Penn Blvd. (6/10/2018) - Today, heading out from Split Rock River, was an awesome sauce day! Ed dropped me off at the spur trail leading back to the SHT and Split Rock River right where I had gotten off last night. He then parked the car and planned to meet me up the trail a bit. It only took him an hour or two, which was pretty amazing.
  • Minnesota NCT DAY 10: Penn Blvd to Lake County Road 6 (6/11/2018) - Today we had a hike of about 18 miles (29 km) ahead of us, from Penn Blvd to Lake County Road 6. That's a lot! The day began wonderfully. We hiked up to Bear and Bean Lakes, a very popular destination with locals and those that know the North Shore. The views were spectacular! After the twin lakes, we hiked up to Mount Trudee, another mountain offering impressive views, then slid down the Drainpipe. O.K., we didn't slide. The Drainpipe is a narrow, rocky chute that you have to walk down.
  • Minnesota NCT Day 11: Lake County Road 6 to G. Crosby Manitou State Park (6/12/2018) - Today's destination was Crosby Manitou State Park. Ed dropped me off at the trailhead on Lake County Road 6, then headed home. His time on the trail was up. Sniff! Today's forecast called for a 30 percent chance of rain in the morning. Not too bad. It did drizzle on and off, but nothing that got me too wet, so that was nice.
  • Minnesota NCT Day 12: Crosby Manitou to Fredenberg Creek Camp (6/13/2018) - My goal today was to reach Fredenberg Creek Camp. Well, last night got pretty cold. I had my hammock again and put on every item of clothing I had, but it wasn't quite enough. I must check the new underquilt I got when I get back home. I'm not sure if I didn't get a warm enough one (it's rated to 40 degrees F. [4.4 C.], but it wasn't quite that cold out) or if you're also supposed to have a down blanket as well.
  • Minnesota NCT Day 13: Fredenberg Creek Camp to Oberg Mountain (6/14/2018) - Today's goal: Oberg Mountain. So, I thought last night would be a warm one in my hammock. When I first tucked in around 8 p.m., it was stuffy. But after a few hours it cooled down, then got cold. I put on my puffy coat and slid on my rain pants over my long underwear. I had my rain poncho as a blanket, but it didn't cover my entire body.
  • Minnesota NCT Day 14: Oberg Mountain to Caribou Road (6/15/2018) - Today's destination was Caribou Road. And wow – what a difference due to my new strategy of fewer miles per day. I started the day with such a great mindset, knowing I wouldn't be out on the trail until 7 or 8 p.m. It was also fun to know that BlueBerry and Green Tortuga were taking a zero day today, and that they were staying at the same place as me – the AmericInn in Tofte. In fact, last night I discovered we were right next door to one another!
  • Minnesota NCT Day 15: Caribou Road to Hwy. 45 (6/16/2018) - Today's itinerary called for me to hike from Caribou Road to the Hwy. 45 trailhead, which is just past Cascade River State Park. It appeared to be a pleasant hike. I saw BlueBerry at the AmericInn Tofte breakfast buffet, and that was a little sad because I knew it was probably the last time I'd see him. I told him rain was coming later in the day, so he should get out there hiking ASAP.
  • Minnesota NCT Day 16: Cascade River to Grand Marais/Pincushion (6/17/2018) - Today's trek, on my slimmed-down itinerary, is a jaunt from the Cascade River area to Grand Marais. Specifically, the Pincushion trailhead, so named because it sits atop Pincushion Mountain. I felt a little wistful this morning, as today is my mom's 85th birthday and also Father's Day. It's a hard time to be away from home, especially when the cell service is sketchy.
  • Minnesota NCT Day 17: Grand Marais/Pincushion to Kadunce/Hwy. 61 (6/18/2018) - I had a pretty incredible day making my way to the Kadunce River. Harriet couldn't shuttle me until the evening, so I parked at the Pincushion/Grand Marais trailhead and headed out. The trail is part of a system of ski trails, so it was pretty easy hiking up to Pincushion, a little over one mile (1.6 km) away.
  • Minnesota NCT Day 18: Kadunce/Hwy. 61 to Camp 20 Road (6/19/2018) - It was a wistful day trekking from the Kadunce River to Camp 20 Road. It started out with the famous "lake walk." Most of this trail leads you past Lake Superior from the ridge line, so from up on high. You only walk along the lakeshore twice – in Duluth a few days into a northbound thru-hike, and then again here, at the end. I felt like the trail was saying good-bye to me. In Duluth, there were huge crowds on the lakeshore, and the feeling was quite festive – like the trail was welcoming me onto her. Here, you walk along a desolate, pristine section of the lake, which felt like the trail was quietly telling me it was time to get ready to go home.
  • Minnesota NCT Day 19: Camp 20 Road to Jackson Creek Campsite (6/20/2018) - Two days from the end. The plan today was for Harriet to lead me to the Otter Lake trailhead -- I knew I could find it myself, but she insisted on meeting me and leading me there -- to drop my car. This is the trailhead where you can take the spur trail to the terminus at the 270 Degree Overlook. After dropping my car, she was going to take me to Camp 20 Road and drop me off for my last two days, which would involve a final night camping.
  • Minnesota NCT Day 20: Jackson Creek Campsite to Northern Terminus (270-Degree Overlook) (6/21/2018) - I had a lovely breakfast at my campsite this morning, then packed up for the final day. I had less than 10 miles to cover, and the guidebook promised a nice ending. It said I'd initially climb to the top of Rosebush Ridge, the high point on the trail, then descend down to a nice, flat meadow that would take me to the Otter Road Trailhead.
  • Wisconsin NCT Day 2: Hwy. 169 to Mellen (8/23/2018) - What a glorious day on the trail! Trail angel Bethany met Stubs and me in downtown Mellen, then shuttled us to Vogues Road, where I'd left off last November. It was sunny and cool and we enjoyed walking about three miles along Hwy. 169, which was devoid of traffic and lined with trees.
  • Wisconsin NCT Day 3: Mellen to Marengo Shelter (8/24/2018) - There's nothing like hiking in the rain! When I'd planned this little trip, the forecast called for nice weather. As our departure day drew close, it changed to rain for today. I laid out my rain gear, but forgot my coat.
  • Wisconsin NCT Day 4: Marengo Shelter to Lake Owen Area (8/25/2018) - Today was beautiful! We got up and partially packed, then backtracked a little to check out the Swedish settlement. We saw the ruins of a barn, an intact springhouse and the spot where the root cellar had been. Interpretive plaques told about the family that lived there. It was interesting. What a hard life it must have been to settle this rocky land.
  • Wisconsin NCT Day 5: Lake Owen Area to Drummond (8/26/2018) - We heard lots of coyotes howling last night, and once a wolf. It was pretty cool. We set our alarm to wake us at 6 a.m. because we need to be back home in time to host a book club meeting tonight.
  • Minnesota Day 21: BRT Eastern Terminus to Portage Brook (6/17/2019) - Last June, I hiked the 315-mile Superior Hiking Trail (SHT), which is also part of the North Country Trail. It ends in the middle of the woods near the Canadian border. Right where it ends, the 65-mile Border Route Trail begins.
  • Minnesota Day 22: Portage Brook to Pine Lake (6/18/2019) - Last night it wasn’t enough to be at a crappy campsite near the Boundary Waters. It had to rain three times, too! The last was around 4:30 a.m., so I knew I’d be packing up a wet tent. Rats. 
  • Minnesota Day 23: Pine Lake to Clearwater Lake (6/19/2019) - I’m writing this in my tent alongside Clearwater Lake. I’m trying to enjoy the haunting cries of the loons, but there are so many mosquitoes buzzing outside it sounds like a massive hive full of angry bees.
  • Minnesota Day 24: Clearwater Lake to Sock Lake (6/20/2019) - I slept in until 6:30 — yikes! But the guys were in no hurry to head out for Sock Lake, so we went about our chores and hit the trail at 8:30. The first several miles were just as the Alaska couple told us they'd be. First we had lots of mud and mosquitoes, but then we hit this lovely stretch called “The Longest Portage.”
  • Minnesota Day 25: Sock Lake to BRT Western Terminus (6/21/2019) - The bulk of the campsites along the Border Route Trail are in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW). There aren't many between the Western Terminus and the western end of the BWCAW. 
  • Wisconsin NCT Day 6: Drummond to Lake Ruth (8/7/2019) - In 2018, we left off our NCT section-hike in Wisconsin near Drummond. So that's where we started this year. We chose to hike in August because I had a book talk last night in Boulder Junction, which is relatively nearby. 
  • Wisconsin NCT Day 7: Lake Ruth to Highland Area (8/8/2019) - Camping at the Lake Ruth trailhead last night was O.K. No one bothered us, but we did hear traffic until maybe midnight, and then again starting around 5:30 a.m. I'm always surprised how much traffic is everywhere, even in remote locales such as this.
  • Wisconsin NCT Day 8: Highland Area to Solon Springs (8/9/2019) - So last night we stayed at a lovely site nestled in a pine forest, about two miles shy of the Highland campsite and trailhead we'd been aiming for. Despite the pretty setting, I didn't sleep well again.
  • Wisconsin NCT Day 9: Solon Springs to Connecting Roads (8/10/2019) - I'm glad we stayed at Swanson's last night because of the showers. But OH MY GOSH, the noise! First, trains went past all night, blaring their horns. Charlie, the owner, said about 20 trains go through every 24 hours, carrying everything and anything from Asia, mainly China.
  • Wisconsin NCT Day 10: Connecting Roads (8/11/2019) - It was great to finish on a connecting road route yesterday and know that I could squeeze in some easy miles today. Maybe that’s why I slept so well last night! So, we needed to get back home today by mid-afternoon at the latest. Since this spot of the NCT is about 4.5 hours from our home, and we wanted to stop in Eau Claire on the way back to see Tim, our son, we needed to be on the road by 10 a.m. That meant getting on the connecting road around 7:30 a.m.
  • Wisconsin NCT Day 11: Saxon (1/26/2020) - This weekend, Ed and I were snowshoeing and cross-country skiing at ABR in Ironwood – which is very near Saxon and the eastern end of Wisconsin's portion of the North Country Trail (NCT). I quickly decided to tack on a short hike. You see, back in November 2017, my friend Doug and I had planned to hike on the NCT from the Wisconsin-Michigan border all the way to Copper Falls.
  • Wisconsin NCT Day 12: Coronavirus and the Trail (5/22/2020) - It’s Memorial Day weekend of 2020, when the coronavirus is wreaking havoc on the earth. Our state’s stay-at-home order is expiring, so what better time to knock off a few more miles along the North Country Trail? My NCT section-hike goal for 2020 was to finish the NCT in Wisconsin, plus pick off some miles in either Minnesota or Michigan.
  • Wisconsin NCT Day 13: Pattison State Park and MacQuarrie Wetlands (5/23/2020) - Today's agenda called for hiking through both Pattison State Park and MacQuarrie Wetlands. Luckily, Ed and I both slept well. We were surprised how late the sun set last night (it was light until 9:15 at least). But it also seemed to be really light early in the morning. We ate breakfast and decided to leave our tent set up.
  • Wisconsin NCT Day 14: MacQuarrie Wetlands to the MN-WI Border (5/24/2020) - Today's goal was an exciting one: start in the middle of the MacQuarrie Wetlands and reach the Wisconsin-Minnesota border! Two years ago, I'd stood at the spot as the start of my hike along the Superior Hiking Trail, on which the NCT piggybacks. Now, I'd be standing on the other side as I finished the Wisconsin portion of the NCT.
  • Michigan NCT Day 10: Mosquito River to Beaver Creek (7/10/2020) - Today I resumed my section-hike of the NCT, starting at the U.P.’s Mosquito River trailhead and heading to Beaver Creek. Ed and I drove up today, arriving in the area around 3:30, later than we’d hoped. We’ve got two cars and will be employing the two-car shuttle system, where we keep moving west, but hiking east. 
  • Michigan NCT Day 11: Valley Spur to Mosquito River (7/11/2020) - Today's destination: Mosquito River. This shuttle system is always a bit disconcerting, since we're leapfrogging our cars west, but hiking east every day. So yesterday's starting point is today's destination. That's just how it works! So Ed and I got up early and struck out for the trailhead, and our car, around 7:15.
  • Michigan NCT Day 12: Rock River Falls to Valley Spur (7/12/2020) - Today's destination was Valley Spur. Since yesterday was a tough day, we all slept in this morning until 6:30. What a luxury! But once we awoke, we quickly packed up and got into our own cars so we could each drop one car at the Rock River Falls trailhead.
  • Michigan NCT Day 13: Jeske Flooding to Rock River Falls (7/13/2020) - Today we thought we had an easy 16.1 miles (25.9 km) to our cars at the Rock River Falls parking area. Or should I say, we thought we had an easy day because we were only hiking 16.1 miles (km). So we decided to sleep in a little at our motel, the lovely Holiday Inn Express.
  • Michigan NCT Day 14: Marquette City Tourist Park to Jeske Flooding (7/14/2020) - Today's agenda called for hiking from downtown Marquette to Jeske Flooding, mostly on roads. The forecast called for rain starting in the afternoon and continuing all night. We were supposed to camp in Marquette City Tourist Park, but decided the idea of setting up camp in the rain, and then being stuck in our tents all night, wasn't pleasant.
  • Michigan NCT Day 15: Little Garlic Falls to Marquette City Tourist Park (7/15/2020) - Our day's itinerary called for hiking from Little Garlic Falls back to Marquette City Tourist Park. In the morning, the Eckerts said they'd decided to do their own thing today. Bruce needed new trekking poles, for one, as one of his broke the other day, And Amy needed to take more photos for a writing assignment. So Ed and I headed out alone.
  • Michigan NCT Day 16: Silver Lake Basin to Little Garlic Falls (7/16/2020) - Today was the start of three days of camping, beginning at Little Garlic Falls. But we had an hour’s drive to drop our cars, so we left the Holiday Inn at 7:30 a.m. We got to the car drop spot near Silver Lake Basin around 8:30, then took off hiking at 9 a.m. The first 12 miles (19.3 km) or so were all on gravel/dirt roads.
  • Michigan NCT Day 17: McCormick Wilderness to Silver Lake Basin (7/17/2020) - Today’s itinerary called for a 17-miler (27.4 km) from the western gate of McCormick Wilderness to our cars at Silver Lake Basin. We first had the .8-mile (1.3 km) hike down from our lovely campsite to the car. Easy! Next we had a 90-minute shuttle to McCormick Wilderness. En route, we picked up more water and some sandwiches and treats for lunch on the trail. It was another sunny, lovely day.
  • Michigan NCT Day 18: Canyon Falls to Craig Lake (7/18/2020) - Today’s itinerary called for hiking from Craig Lake to the McCormick Wilderness’ western edge, where we’d camp for the night. But oh, the day went so tragically wrong! The bad vibe started with last night’s late entry into camp, which was disheartening, to say the least. Then, as we got up early this morning, it began to thunder and lightning.
  • Michigan NCT Day 19: Canyon Falls to Big Lake (7/19/2020) - If my hike was on schedule, today Amy and I would be hiking eastbound from Big Lake State Forest to the middle of a connecting road route. And Ed and Bruce would be driving home. Bruce did drive home, but Amy decided to strike out on her own for the day while Ed and I waited to hear about my car.
  • Michigan NCT Day 20: M-64 to FR 326 (7/24/2020) - Today's goal was an easy one: Hike from M-64 to FR 326. According to my original Western U.P. itinerary, I would have hiked from M-64 east to FR 400 today, after Amy dropped me off and went back home. After that, I'd be hiking westbound solo. But as you may know if you've read all of my entries, I totaled my car in the flooding near Canyon Falls and had to return home earlier this week. 
  • Michigan NCT Day 21: M-64 to Little Carp River (7/25/2020) - Today’s destination was the Little Carp River #6 campsite in the Porkies. It’s roughly 18.6  miles (29.9 km) from M-64, with 13 of those miles (20.9 km) in a wilderness area. I figured they’d be rough and I’d need more time. Plus, the weather forecast called for thunderstorms starting around 5 or 6 p.m. Time was of the essence.
  • Michigan NCT Day 22: Little Carp River to Black River Harbor (7/26/2020) - Today’s goal was a lofty one: some 23 miles (37 km) from my Little Carp River campsite to Black River Harbor. But I felt pretty good about it. The trail through the Porkies should continue to be great, and there was some kind of road walk (snowmobile trail?) for a few miles near the end.
  • Michigan NCT Day 23: Black River Harbor to Lake Road (7/27/2020) - Today's itinerary called for hiking about six miles (10 km) south from Black River Harbor on trails, then segueing onto connecting roads and ending somewhere on Lake Road. Tom, my colleague, collected me from the Presque Isle campground about 8:30 a.m. and we were off. But we didn't head straight to Black River Harbor.
  • Michigan NCT Day 24: Lake Road to the Wisconsin-Michigan Border (7/28/2020) - Today's goal was hiking to the Wisconsin-Michigan border, and then the last few miles of NCT-Wisconsin down to Hwy. 2. I was out late yesterday, so I let myself sleep in. Around 9 a.m., the owner of an Ironwood, Mich., AirBnB that Ed and I had stayed at in January met me at Hwy. 2 to shuttle me back to the spot where I'd left off yesterday. I had about 22 miles (35.4 km) of road walking today.
  • Michigan NCT Day 25: Hwy. 326 to Norwich Road (9/13/2020) - I’m back on the NCT, starting off at Hwy. 326, just east of the Porkies. I’d hiked the eastern half in 2017 as the start of my NCT section-hike, then planned to do the entire western half this past July. But after I totaled my car driving through water, my plans got interrupted. Nevertheless, I’m back!
  • Michigan NCT Day 26: Norwich Road to Old Victoria (9/14/2020) - Today’s hike was about 15 miles (24.1 km) from Norwich Road to Old Victoria, a small, restored mining village. This hike was one of my all-time faves so far on the North Country Trail. But before I say why, I’ll tell you how the day began. I set my alarm for 5:30 a.m. to give me plenty of time to break camp, eat, get to Old Victoria and rearrange the car. It’s way more complicated than you’d think to backpack with a car.
  • Michigan NCT Day 27: Old Victoria to Gardner Road (9/15/2020) - Today’s hike was from Old Victoria to Gardner Road. I was a tad nervous because I kept hearing different things about a giant beaver dam. Was there a detour in place? Would I be bushwhacking? What if there was no way across? The crossing was said to be near the end of the hike, so I decided to take things one at a time.
  • Michigan NCT Day 28: Gardner Road to Laird Road (9/16/2020) - So, today’s itinerary seemed pretty manageable: hiking from Gardner to Laird Road, about 17 miles (27.4 km). I’d had a good night’s sleep last night, although it was a bit warm and totally quiet. It was kind of weird. There wasn’t any wind or anything. Well, I did hear a few birds, but really not much.
  • Michigan NCT Day 29: Laird Road to Plains Road (9/17/2020) - Today’s itinerary changed in the last few day and I ended up deciding to hike from Laird Road to my car at Plains Road. Previously, I’d planned to camp at the Oren Krumm shelter, a few miles before the Plains Road trailhead. But I decided to forge ahead so I could drive into Ishpeming and do laundry, then camp around tomorrow’s starting point at McCormick Wilderness. So that was the plan.
  • Michigan NCT Day 30: McCormick Wilderness to Nestoria Road (9/18/2020) - Oh, my – the McCormick Wilderness! So last night I did laundry in Ishpeming, got groceries and camped out at the McCormick Wilderness trailhead. It got down to 25 F. (-3.9 C.) at night, but luckily I had my car with me. So I put a blanket down under my sleeping pad and another blanket over my sleeping quilt and was toasty warm. At one point in the night, I heard what appeared to be bikers biking up, then talking for 10 minutes or so. Interesting. I’d hate to have been biking in that cold!
  • Michigan NCT Day 31: St. Ignace to Wilderness State Park (9/19/2020) - This morning I drove to St. Ignace, where I ended the first step in my section-hike of the North Country Trail back in 2017. At the time, I stopped at the outskirts of town instead of hiking the last 3.5 miles (00 km) to the bridge. It was late, Ed was injured and hungry, and it seemed like the right decision. So today, I knocked off those last few miles.
  • Michigan NCT Day 32: Wilderness State Park to Pine Plantation (9/20/2020) - Today’s hike was a 20.1-miler (32.4 km), from Wilderness State Park to a pine plantation at the end of a long road walk. I’d slept reasonably well last night, even though campgrounds are loud and somehow a timer went off on my phone at 1:30 a.m.! (I've never set a timer on my phone, so how that happened, I have no idea.) Anyway, shortly before 8, I was off.
  • Michigan NCT Day 33: Pine Plantation to Petoskey Area (9/21/2020) - I was excited about today’s itinerary, which called for hiking from the pine plantation to the outskirts of Petoskey. Why? Several reasons. First, I’d be camping at Petoskey State Park, where there were showers (!). Second, I’d get to do laundry in town and hopefully enjoy a juicy burger at a nearby brew pub.
  • Michigan NCT Day 34: Petoskey Area to Cherry Valley Overlook (9/22/2020) - Today’s itinerary called for 21.5 miles (34.6 km) from the bike path where I'd met Shari yesterday to the Cherry Valley Overlook, which I hoped would make a cool campsite. Peter Fitzsimons, a colleague who reps Petoskey area tourism, was going to meet me at Boyne Mountain Lodge at 9 a.m. for a shuttle back to my starting point.
  • Michigan NCT Day 35: Cherry Valley Overlook to Boyne Falls (9/23/2020) - Today’s hike was a nearly 20-miler (32.2 km) from the Cherry Valley Overlook to a spot where the trail crosses Hwy. 131 just south of Boyne Falls. Last night I fell asleep to the yips of a bunch of coyotes, which I love! In the morning, though, something was strange. My sleeping quilt was quite wet, as was a bunch of stuff in my tent.
  • Michigan NCT Day 36: Boyne Falls to Jordan River (1/31/2021) - My trek along the NCT to the Jordan River today was an oddity. I don't normally hike the National Scenic Trails in winter, nor do I normally hike just one day. Unless, that is, I happen to be in the area. And I was.
  • MICHIGAN NCT DAY 37: Jordan River to Pinney Bridge (7/6/2021) - My hike tonight from the Jordan River to Pinney Bridge will hopefully be the start of a three-week hike on the NCT and some 400 more miles down. But we’ll see. After tackling the Natchez Trace in April, I developed some kind of tendinitis/inflammation in my right leg that keeps reappearing. So I’m crossing my […]
  • Michigan NCT Day 38: Pinney Bridge to ORV Lot (7/7/2021) - Today's trek to the ORV lot was an interesting one. And it was another day of changing plans. But you have to be flexible and patient when hiking, because things always come up. My original plan had been to camp at Pinney Bridge last night, as I wrote yesterday.
  • Michigan NCT Day 39: ORV Lot to Log Lake (7/8/2021) - I was up half the night, listening to the constant rain and wondering what my hike to Log Lake would be like today. I shouldn't have worried, as it was lovely. I got up extra early so I'd have plenty of time to pack up, clean the cabin and strategize about what to take on the hike and how to dress.
  • Michigan NCT Day 40: Log Lake to Broomhead Road (7/9/2021) - Today's trek to Broomhead Road was exciting, because I'd be meeting my friends Amy and Bruce Eckert, plus my hubby, Ed, at the end of the day. It was also fun because Trail Angel Ellen Whitehead hiked the first mile (1.2 km) with me, along with her dog, Hank. Once those two turned back, I trekked ahead into Kalkaska, a trail town. 
  • Michigan NCT Day 41: Spring Lake to Broomhead Road (7/10/2021) - Before discussing today's hike from Spring Lake to Broomhead Road, I must mention a few details from last night. We had this amazing campsite along a river; I don't know the name, as the maps don't always note them. It was just us and one family, which had very colorful members!
  • Michigan NCT Day 42: Townline Road to Spring Lake (7/11/2021) - Today's trek from Townline Road to Spring Lake was ... interesting. I had a panic attack while we were driving to the Townline Road trailhead. Nothing in the NCTA notes said you should have a high-clearance vehicle, and the road was pretty bad. I totaled my car last year on the NCT in the UP, so this was a very triggering drive for me. But Ed got us there safe and sound.
  • Michigan NCT Day 43: Harvey Bridge to Townline Road (7/12/2021) - Today's trek was from the Harvey Bridge trailhead to Ed's car, parked at that awful Townline Road trailhead. The day was forecast for sunny, not too warm and breezy. Excellent! The four of us arrived at the Harvey Bridge trailhead around 8:40 a.m.
  • Michigan NCT Day 44: Hodenpyl Dam to Harvey Bridge (7/13/2021) - Rain was predicted to start last night and continue much of today, as we made our way from Hodenpyl Dam to Harvey Bridge. Sure enough, we woke up to rain, and then it began to POUR. Things didn’t work out too badly, though, all things considered.
  • Michigan NCT Day 45: High Bridge to Hodenpyl Dam (7/14/2021) - Today’s trek was a 20-miler (32.2 km) from High Bridge, a boat access area, to Hodenpyl Dam. The weather looked great: sunny and low 80s F. (26-28 C.). The shuttling took some time, and we’re discovering that having four cars is better than three.
  • Michigan NCT Day 46: High Bridge to Freesoil Trailhead (7/15/2021) - Today’s hike to Freesoil Trailhead was in peril. The storms roared in last night, and continued on and off into the morning. There was another huge downpour from 6-7:30 a.m., so that stunk. Once we could emerge from our tents, we began to strategize.
  • Michigan NCT Day 47: Freesoil to Timber Creek (7/16/2021) - Today's trek from the Freesoil Trailhead to Timber Creek was great. But first, a recap of last night. Ed and I camped at the Bear Track (rustic) campground, which was just a few minutes away from Freesoil. We didn’t see much of it at all, as Ed grabbed the first campsite (#1) and we never ventured beyond it. We saw one camper nearby and heard no one.
  • Michigan NCT Day 48: Timber Creek to 76th Street (7/17/2021) - Today’s trek from Timber Creek to 76th Street was short and easy. But sad, since Ed left for home today. We slept in since we’d had a late night last night, then took our time reorganizing everything. It’s great to have all the luxuries you can have with car access (and two cars!), but there’s also a wonderful simplicity with backpacking.
  • Michigan NCT Day 49: 76th Street to Tank Creek (7/18/2021) - My hiking plan today was up in the air; I could hike to Nichols Lake, which has two official campground, or go a few more miles and (hopefully) camp near Tank Creek. But first, about last night. After all of those dune buggies/ORVs kept roaring down the road from about 5-9 p.m., I assumed I’d […]
  • Michigan NCT Day 50: Tank Creek to M-20 (7/19/2021) - Last night at Tank Creek, about halfway to M-20, it was so hot out! I think about 86 F. (30 C). I washed up in the creek, then joined in our book club's discussion by phone. I had just enough service. But while I love my sit pad, which I use for snack breaks and lunch on the trail, it's not too comfy for sitting more than an hour.
  • Michigan NCT Day 51: M-20 to Croton Dam (7/20/2021) - Had a great night in the White Cloud Campground, preparing for today’s trek to Croton Dam. This is a small, county campground and it appears only three or so of us are actually here right now, although there are lots of RVs parked around. Maybe people rent out the spaces for the entire summer, but only come up on weekends? Anyway, the lack of people = quiet. 
  • Michigan NCT Day 52: Croton Dam to 20 Mile Road (7/21/2021) - Another great weather forecast for my hike from Croton Dam to 20 Mile Road: highs around 80 F. (26.7 C.) and partly sunny skies. Yes! Last year I faced such extreme temperatures and humidity in the U.P. that I am so grateful for every temperate day.
  • Michigan NCT Day 53: 20 Mile Road to Rockford (7/22/2021) - I was looking forward to today's hike into Rockford. It started with some trail hiking, then some road walking and, finally, taking a recreational path into town. I'd also be hiking through a natural area behind my motel, the new Holiday Inn Express in Cedar Springs. A bonus: the weather was predicated to be nice. Not too hot or humid.
  • Michigan NCT Day 54: Rockford to Seidman County Park (7/23/2021) - Gosh, today’s hike from Rockford to Seidman County Park was one of highs and lows. Yesterday, my last-minute trail angel, Nancy, was my shuttler. She said she’d shuttle me again today, but could only do so at 7 a.m. because she was heading to St. Louis.
  • Michigan NCT Day 55: Seidman County Park to Boy Scout Cabin (7/24/2021) - How do I even describe today’s hike to the Boy Scout Cabin in Lowell?! So, hiking companions Amy and Bruce Eckert joined me today from Holland. They drove over in two cars and met me at Seidman County Park after dropping one car at the Boy Scout Cabin in Lowell, our destination. The day was […]
  • Michigan NCT Day 56: Boy Scout Cabin to Alto (7/25/2021) - Today’s goal was a trailhead near Alto, Michigan, some 21 miles (33.8 km). I was pretty happy when I got up this morning. My tent was fairly dry and I’d slept well. I broke camp and threw out a few items that had gotten super wet and dirty with the rain and weren’t salvaging, like an old towel and blanket.
  • Michigan NCT Day 57: Alto to Hall Lake (7/26/2021) - Today was my last day of this three-week section hike; I’d be ending at Hall Lake. But first, Buck Hough! I awoke to a dewy morning, where my tent was so wet it began weeping onto me. Ugh. But as I got moving around, Buck showed up with a coffee cup in hand and welcomed me to breakfast. 
  • Minnesota NCT Day 26: Kekekabic Eastern Terminus to Howard Lake (10/27/2021) - Today’s inaugural hike on the Kekekabic Trail took me 8.5 miles (13.7 km) to Howard Lake. Before I say more, a quick bit of background. The Kekekabic Trail, or Kek as it’s affectionately known, is part of the North Country Trail.
  • Minnesota NCT Day 27: Howard Lake to Strup Lake (10/28/2021) - Last night's sleep before heading to Strup Lake today was great! I used a combination of my sleeping quilt with a sleeping bag liner, and that was perfect for the low temps. I heard almost no noises during the night, save for two airplanes – so odd out here in the remote Boundary Waters!
  • Minnesota NCT Day 28: Strup Lake to Near Western Terminus (10/29/2021) - Today’s goal was to camp as near to the western terminus as I could. But first, a recap of last night. Yesterday, I hit two high peaks where I was able to get cell service. I checked the weather forecast, and saw there was a 50 percent chance of rain from about 10 p.m. to 2 a.m.
  • Minnesota NCT Day 29: Near Western Terminus to Ely (10/30/2021) - I was excited for my trek into Ely today. First, it would cap off this little jaunt on the Kekekabic Trail. Second, it would be mostly a long road walk, which was a welcome thing for me after the tough Kek. And third, when I finished I'd drive to Wisconsin's Pattison State Park to meet my husband, Ed.
  • Michigan NCT Day 58: Hickory Corners to Hall Lake (3/29/2022) - So excited to start my 2022 North Country Trail section-hike at Michigan's Hickory Corners! Last year, I ended my Michigan NCT hiking at Hall Lake, heading southbound.
  • Michigan NCT Day 59: Hickory Corners to Jackson Street (3/30/2022) - Today's goal was the Jackson Street parking lot in/near Battle Creek. The forecast was for rain on and off all day, but mostly on, and in the afternoon. So Eric suggested we get an earlier start. 
  • Michigan NCT Day 60: Jackson Street to Saylor’s Landing (3/31/2022) - Today's trek to Saylor's Landing was so interesting, on so many levels. Last night, the forecast called for rain and 25 mph winds (40.2 kph) – with gusts up to 50 mph (80.5 kph) – until about 11 a.m. After that, the winds would die down to "just" 15-18 mph (24-29 kph) for the rest of the day.
  • Michigan NCT Day 61: Saylor’s Landing to Riverside Cemetery (4/1/2022) - Today's hike to Riverside Cemetery was an interesting one. But isn't every day on the trail? I met trail angel Mark at Riverside Cemetery, where there's a new parking area and trail.
  • Michigan NCT Day 62: Riverside Cemetery to Mount Hope Cemetery (4/2/2022) - Today's goal was Mount Hope Cemetery. Well, not exactly. It was a parking area and campsite across the road from Mount Hope. When I woke up this morning, it was about 28 F (-2.2 C) and my car was covered in frost. The forecast was for a high of about 40 F (4.4 C) with rain beginning about 5 p.m. and lasting much of the night.
  • Michigan NCT Day 63: Mount Hope Cemetery to Hudson Road (4/3/2022) - Today's trek to Hudson Road was awesome. Where to start ... Rain and snow fell overnight, but by morning the precipitation had stopped. I met Trail Angel Nikki from the Baw Beese chapter at the Hudson Road trailhead, and she shuttled me back to Herring Road.
  • Michigan NCT Day 64: Hudson Road to Alvordton (4/4/2022) - Today's hike was from Hudson Road to Alvordton, Ohio. Ohio! Needless to say, I was stoked to finish my second NCT state (Wisconsin was the first). Rain was predicted until about noon, so Trail Angels Chris and Jason met me at 9:30 for a later-than-normal shuttle. Why hike in the rain if you don't have to?!
  • Ohio NCT Day 1: Alvordton to Wauseon (4/5/2022) - Today's goal was Wauseon, and specifically its Wabash Park. I'd arranged an end-of-day shuttle with Trail Angel Marianne, so I once again drove to Alvordton and parked my car in the same small, gravel lot across from a church where I'd parked yesterday. I put the same note in my windshield that said I was hiking the NCT and would be back at night.
  • Ohio NCT Day 2: Wauseon to Oak Openings (4/6/2022) - Rain was predicted for much of the day's hike to Oak Openings, mainly in the afternoon. I just hoped it would be light and sporadic. Marianne dropped me off back in Wauseon a little after 9 a.m., and I was off. This part of the Wabash Cannonball Trail is pavement, so it made for quick trekking. I crossed a few interesting covered bridges.
  • Ohio NCT Day 3: Oak Openings to Camp Widewater (4/7/2022) - My last day (for two weeks, at least) was today, with a revised goal of hitting Camp Widewater. Let me back up. When I originally planned this hike, today would have been a 20-miler (32.2 km) from Oak Openings to Napoleon. But I learned there was a recent reroute that added 10-12 miles (16.1-19.3 km) […]
  • Ohio NCT Day 4: Camp Widewater to Napoleon (4/22/2022) - It's weird to be here in Napoleon, less than two weeks after I left the NCT at Camp Widewater, just a dozen miles (19.3 km) east. After hiking from lower Michigan to this area in late March/early April, I returned home to celebrate my son's birthday, host Easter for my extended family and to see my father, who has been given less than a year to live.
  • Ohio NCT Day 5: Napoleon to Defiance Reservoir (4/23/2022) - Today’s hike to Defiance was quite enjoyable. I drove to Napoleon’s Ritter Park, where I ended yesterday, parked my car and started to hike. It was already warm (60s F / 15.6-18.3 C) and the day was sunny, so I was pretty excited. I’ve hiked in so much cloudy and rainy weather lately.
  • Ohio NCT Day 6: Defiance Reservoir to Mandale (4/24/2022) - Today's schedule did not call for me to hike to Mandale. The plan was to shuttle my car ahead to Delphos, then backpack two days, camping overnight at Hipp's Lock. But long-distance hiking always requires flexibility. Let's start with what happened last night.
  • Ohio NCT Day 7: Mandale to Delphos (4/25/2022) - I knew today's trek to Delphos Stadium would be challenging in the opposite way as my hot and windy hike yesterday, as the forecast called for rain all day. ALL DAY. Ugh. But what else can you do but hike on?
  • Ohio NCT Day 8: Delphos Stadium to Lock 14 (4/26/2022) - My hike today to Lock 14 was pretty enjoyable, despite some not-so-optimal weather. I drove to Delphos Stadium around 9:30, then headed out. It was gray and cool – about 38 F (3.3 C) – and windy. Luckily, the wind was at my right shoulder.
  • Ohio NCT Day 9: Lock 14 to Lake Loramie State Park (4/27/2022) - Today’s hike to Lake Loramie State Park was a good one overall, although there were snags along the way. But that’s what I always tell people – every day you hike, something goes awry, whether a big thing or little one.
  • Ohio NCT Day 10: Lake Loramie to Lockington Lock (4/28/2022) - Today's trek to Lockington Lock was ... fine. Not every day on the trail features amazing scenery and great weather. I had nice scenery, OK weather and one fun surprise. But first, a look at last night.
  • Ohio NCT Day 11: Lockington Locks to SR 41 Trailhead (4/29/2022) - Today's hike to the SR 41 Trailhead in Troy was a solid day. I woke up early and quickly broke camp. It was about 10 degrees warmer (40 F / 4.4 C), which helped, but it was still cold. I ate breakfast in my car.
  • Ohio NCT Day 12: SR 41 Trailhead to Island MetroPark (4/30/2022) - Today's hike to Island MetroPark was enjoyable. It rained overnight, and the forecast called for some rain on and off during the day. I met Tim at Island MetroPark, where it was raining. When he dropped me back off at the SR 41 Trailhead, it was still sprinkling. But nothing too bad.
  • Ohio NCT Day 13: Island MetroPark to Yellow Springs (5/1/2022) - It was a long hike to Yellow Springs today – maybe my longest in Ohio. I met Tim in Yellow Springs, which he says is a hippie-type town that's also the home of comedian David Chappelle. I dropped my car, and he shuttled me back to Dayton.
  • Ohio NCT Day 14: Yellow Springs to Spring Valley (5/2/2022) - Today's trek to Spring Valley was OK. The day began quite chilly, and my tent was slick with dew. I wasn't too worried, though, as today's forecast was for lots of sun and temps around 70 F (21.1 C).
  • Ohio NCT Day 15: Spring Valley to Oregonia (5/3/2022) - Before I talk about the hike to Oregonia, let's revisit last night. I set up my wet tent in Spring Valley's Walton Park pavilion. It was warm and windy, so it dried out in maybe five minutes. It was quite impressive. There were a lot of people out and about in this tiny town, likely due to the weather.
  • Ohio NCT Day 16: Oregonia to Foster (5/4/2022) - Today's hike to the Foster trailhead required some pivoting. So, last night I booked an Uber ride from the Grandin Road trailhead back to Oregonia. But when I drove to the Grandin Road trailhead this morning, I found a ton of construction vehicles parked there. Apparently there's a major road reconstruction project going on, and the trailhead is closed.
  • Ohio NCT Day 17: Foster to Valley View Foundation (5/5/2022) - This may be my final day on the NCT in 2022, when I was heading to Valley View Foundation. But, of course, who knows?! I had a decent night at Morgan's last night. While the campground isn't really in shape yet for the season, the owner met me there and gave me a nicer site than the one I'd booked. Other than a few pesky birds who kept landing on my food and cooking utensils, it was a nice night.
  • Ohio NCT Day 18: Valley View Foundation to Spillway Trailhead (4/11/2023) - I resumed my section-hike of the NCT today by returning to Ohio and hiking from Valley View Foundation to the Spillway Trailhead. It’s so good to be back on the trail! I was aided today by Diane West, who is in charge of this portion of the Buckeye Trail. What an amazing trail angel!
  • Ohio NCT Day 19: Spillway Trailhead to Clover Road Trailhead (4/12/2023) - Yesterday, Diane noted that I might be hiking through a lot of deep mud today en route to the Clover Road Trailhead. She and her hubby, Howard, had hiked this area a few days ago, and it wasn't pleasant. So I packed an extra pair of shoes and socks and headed out, after a shuttle by Howard.
  • Ohio NCT Day 20: Clover Road Trailhead to West Union SP 28 (4/13/2023) - Today was a lovely trek to West Union SP 28. What the heck is that?! The Buckeye Trail is divided into named sections, such as Williamsburg, which I just completed, and now West Union. These sections are further broken down in "section points," which I'm abbreviating here as SP.
  • Ohio NCT Day 21: West Union SP 28 to West Union SP 20 (4/14/2023) - Today’s trek to West Union SP 20 was so layered! Bear with me here. I’ll explain throughout this entry. So today’s trail angel, Pat Lewis, is a former AT hiker who loves to help fellow trekkers. He and his wife just opened a laundromat, even though they’re essentially retired.
  • Ohio NCT Day 22: West Union SP 20 to Krieger Mountain Crafts (4/15/2023) - Today’s plan called for me to continue hiking eastbound to Krieger Mountain Crafts, a business I spotted online that was around the mileage I wanted to complete. Mike, my shuttler, said why take two cars when we can take one? So he dropped me off at Krieger Mountain in the morning, and I hiked back westbound to the spot (near his home) where I ended yesterday.
  • Ohio NCT Day 23: Krieger Mountain Crafts to West Union SP 4 (4/16/2023) - Today’s trek to West Union SP 4 – all road walking – was quite enjoyable. I woke up early in the Vogel shelter so I could break camp and get to my rendezvous point with Dori on time. It’s a trailhead with a complicated name: the Dr. George Rieveschl Jr. Creek’s Bend Overlook and Preserve.
  • Ohio NCT Day 24: West Union SP 4 to Sunshine Ridge Trailhead (4/17/2023) - Today’s trek to the Sunshine Ridge Trailhead had been in peril, as my shuttler for today (and the next two days) had a family emergency and had to bail. I spent a ton of time yesterday trying to find a replacement for all three days, and achieved my goal around 10 p.m., in between doing […]
  • Ohio NCT Day 25: Sunshine Ridge Trailhead to Shawnee State Park (4/18/2023) - Today’s hike from Sunshine Ridge to Shawnee State Park was fun and pleasant, yet quite hard in many parts. But before I talk about the hike, let’s talk about my lodging. Last night I camped at Shawnee State Park. Being as it’s the early part of the season, I was one of the only campers here. My site was unremarkable, and featured some gross, muddy mounds that I think could be ground hornet nests or something icky like that.
  • Ohio NCT Day 26: Shawnee State Park to Wamsley (4/19/2023) - Today’s trek to Wamsley was enjoyable, but with some distinct challenges. But first, we must backtrack a little. Last night was cool in camp, although I had plenty of layers and covers to stay warm. But it was cold this morning (40 F. / 4.4 C.). So since I was pretty much the only person in this campground, I hauled all of my gear into the heated bathroom and changed in there, plus made breakfast.
  • Ohio NCT Day 27: Wamsley to Peebles (4/20/2023) - Today’s trek to Peebles was interesting. It also hurt. Naturally, I’ll explain. The day began meeting trail angel Jennifer West in Peebles, for the shuttle back to Wamsley. She’d never been to Wamsley and always wanted to check it out, so it was a win-win for us both.
  • Ohio NCT Day 28: Peebles to Sinking Spring (4/21/2023) - Dori was my shuttler again today, meeting me at a church-turned-community center in Sinking Spring for the shuttle back to Peebles. This day was going to be mostly road walking, so I hoped the dogs wouldn't be too bad. I was in luck! While there were a few dogs out today, none were aggressive.
  • Ohio NCT Day 29: Sinking Spring to Latham Area (4/22/2023) - Today's trek to the Latham area wasn't quite what I'd planned. Here's what happened. I awoke early in order to break camp and drive back to Sinking Spring. Since I was getting an end-of-day shuttle from Nancy Jane and Stephanie, I'd be driving to my starting point instead of my ending point.
  • Ohio NCT Day 30: Shoemaker Road to Nipgen (4/23/2023) - Today’s new goal was hiking from Shoemaker Road to Nipgen. It wasn’t my original plan, and I can sometimes get obsessive about following my itinerary. But when it comes to long-distance hiking, flexibility is key. I’m continuing to learn and practice this lesson.
  • Ohio NCT Day 31: Nipgen to Scioto Trail State Park (4/24/2023) - As I’ve mentioned, I’m pivoting from my planned itinerary these last few days. So today’s trek was from Nipgen to Scioto Trail State Park. I’d hoped to dial the miles back to about 17 (27.4 km), but due to needing to park in official parking spots, I ended up around 20 (32.2 km).
  • Minnesota NCT Day 30: Ely to Eagle’s Nest (7/12/2023) - I got back on the NCT today, hiking toward Eagle's Nest in Minnesota. This is a small township west of Ely that also contains a trailhead for the Mesabi Trail. The NCT piggybacks on the paved Mesabi Trail for well over 100 miles (161 km) to showcase the Mesabi Range, a historic iron ore range.
  • Minnesota NCT Day 31: Eagle’s Nest to Pike River Wayside Park (7/13/2023) - Today was a long, but enjoyable, hike to the Pike River Wayside Park. I’d planned to have Jim, the cyclist/police officer I’d met yesterday, shuttle me after his shift, around 7 p.m. But Leah, the manager at the Adventure Inn, had also offered to shuttle me today, when she was returning to Ely from Duluth, where she was visiting her parents on her day off.
  • Minnesota NCT Day 32: Pike River Wayside Park to Biwabik (7/14/2023) - Today’s trek to Biwabik (pronounced Buh WAHB ick) was largely uneventful. Not so last night! I’ve been faithfully checking the weather forecast, and was delighted that no rain was predicted for a few days. Not one drop. So imagine my surprise to wake up in the middle of the night to a heavy rain.
  • Minnesota NCT Day 33: Biwabik to Mountain Iron (7/15/2023) - On today’s agenda: hiking from Biwabik to Mountain Iron. Last night, I camped at Lake Vermilion Campground in Biwabik. The manager put me in touch with Dave, a local taxi driver. Dave was driving a bunch of golfers this morning, so we arranged an afternoon shuttle from Mountain Iron back to my car in Biwabik.
  • Minnesota NCT Day 34: Mountain Iron to Hibbing (7/16/2023) - Today's hike was from Mountain Iron to Hibbing. But first, the back story! Last night I stayed at a campground in Chisholm, in between the two towns. The campground was in the middle of town, but this is a tiny town in northern Minnesota. Imagine my surprise to hear traffic roaring past all night!
  • Minnesota NCT Day 35: Hibbing to Nashwauk (7/17/2023) - Today’s goal was reaching Nashwauk. Last night I spent a wonderful evening in Hibbing’s Hampton Inn. While I enjoy camping, motel stays are great, too! I also stocked up on some items at the nearby Walmart Supercenter. Lee met me this morning in Nashwauk for my shuttle back to Hibbing and the Greyhound Bus Museum. I got started around 9:30 a.m.
  • Minnesota NCT Day 36: Nashwauk to CR 61 Trailhead (7/18/2023) - Today’s trek to the CR 61 Trailhead was my last long day, Phew! I started hiking National Scenic Trails a decade ago, and I’m getting older and slower! But that’s O.K.  Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links (among regular links) to products I own and like, or which I think you might like. This means […]
  • Minnesota NCT Day 37: CR 61 Trailhead to Tioga Beach Park (7/19/2023) - I was excited for today's hike to Tioga Beach Park, mainly because it was a short day. But it wasn't an easy one. Around 4:30 this morning, it began to rain. Not fun when you're camping. There was a lull around 5:30, so I jumped out of my tent and went to the campground's shower house, which had an overhang and bench. I sat there and had breakfast, charged my devices, etc. as the rain poured down.
  • Minnesota NCT Day 38: Tioga Beach Park to East Boundary Road (7/20/2023) - Today's hike to East Boundary Road wasn't so much fun. I have to be honest. Trail angels Pat and Sue met me at East Boundary Road for the shuttle back to Tioga Beach Park. The forecast called for a partly cloudy day and zero chance of rain. Of course, it rained during the shuttle. 
  • Minnesota NCT Day 39: East Boundary Road to FR 2117 (7/21/2023) - Today’s hike to FR 2117 was good and bad. I’d had a good two nights at the Remer Motel, where I was able to do laundry and catch up on things. This morning I drove to FR 2117, where I again met trail angels Sue and Pat. They drove me back to my starting point on Hwy. 6.
  • Minnesota NCT Day 40: FR 2117 to Old Grade Road NE (7/22/2023) - Today’s hike to the Old Grade Road Trailhead, and the before-and-after, were psychologically difficult. This was due to the incredible mismatch between the predicted weather and the actual weather. Minnesota, like much of the Midwest, has been in a drought. Almost every day I’ve been on the trail, the weather forecast has been for 0% chance of rain – no surprise, given the drought. However, it’s rained (a lot or a little) every single day.
  • Minnesota NCT Day 41: Old Grade Road NE to Woodtick Trail (7/23/2023) - Today’s hike to Woodtick Trail was our first day hiking with the Eckerts, who have joined us the last few years on the NCT. It was a 16-mile trek (25.8 km) for us, so moderately challenging in distance. They hiked in to meet us, and had a shorter day. We began from FR 2117, or Old Grade Road NE.
  • Minnesota NCT Day 42: Woodtick Trail to Parkway Forest Road (7/24/2023) - So today we were hiking to Parkway Forest Road, a moderate-mileage trek. The day began pleasantly enough, as the trail wound past numerous small lakes, one of which featured two snowy-white swans. The bugs weren't great, but not awful. There were some difficult sections with blowdowns, but nothing too terrible.
  • Minnesota NCT Day 43: Parkway Forest Road to County Road 91 (7/25/2023) - Today’s hike was the longest one (for the four of us) – more than 18 miles (29 km) from Parkway Forest Road to County Road 91. After the wealth of scrubby trail yesterday, we were worried about what today would hold. Fortunately, the vast majority of the trail today was OK.
  • Minnesota NCT Day 44: County Road 91 to Lake Alice Trail (7/26/2023) - Today’s trek to Lake Alice Trail was quite the challenge, both physically and mentally. We had a shorter day – just 15.5 miles (25 km) – but the temps were supposed to hit 92 F (33.3 C). We’d also hiked through a lot of overgrown areas, so …
  • Minnesota NCT Day 45: Lake Alice Trail to Anchor Matson Trailhead (7/27/2023) - Today’s itinerary called for hiking to the Anchor Matson Trailhead, a distance of just 15 miles (24.1 km). We knew there was a blowdown/salvage logging area that could be difficult to navigate. But the bulk of the miles would be in Itasca State Park.
  • Minnesota NCT Day 46: Anchor Matson Trailhead to Elbow Lake Road (7/28/2023) - So excited that today’s hike to Elbow Lake Road was pretty darn good! We got up early, broke camp and tried to leave Itasca State Park. My Apple Maps couldn’t figure out what to do, though, and kept looping us through the campground. But eventually we got out!
  • Minnesota NCT Day 47: Elbow Lake Road to 400th Ave. Trailhead (7/29/2023) - Wow, what a great day hiking to the 400th Ave. Trailhead. If you’ve been following this journal, you know that we’ve had a few days that were very hot, buggy and featured overgrown trails. But this was a wonderful day.
  • Minnesota NCT Day 48: 400th Ave. Trailhead to Hubble Pond (7/30/2023) - Today's trek to Hubble Pond was so enjoyable! The only bad thing was that Ed had to go home today, so after shuttling us this morning he missed probably the best day's hike. The morning started out with a beautiful sunrise. Ed shuttled the three of us, then left to return to The Wilds to pack up our tent and head home.
  • Minnesota NCT Day 49: Hubble Pond to Hobart Township Hall (7/31/2023) - We were psyched for our final day, which would mostly be a road walk to the Hobart Township Hall. After all of the bugs and heat, we figured we'd avoid the former and hopefully combat the latter with cool breezes. After dropping both cars, we headed out from the Hwy. 34 trailhead.
  • MINNESOTA NCT DAY 50: Hobart Township Hall to Maplewood State Park (5/9/2024) - I’d SO been looking forward to resuming my NCT hike in 2024, this time heading out from Hobart Township Hall in western Minnesota to the western terminus in North Dakota.
  • MINNESOTA NCT DAY 51: Maplewood State Park to Red Sox Park (5/10/2024) - Today was a blur. I woke up to the news that my dad died last night. Not a surprise, but still hard to process. But the best way to process things, at least for me, is out in nature and hiking.
  • MINNESOTA NCT DAY 52: Red Sox Park to Rothsay (5/11/2024) - Yesterday, shuttler Michelle Olsen told me there was some major solar event that meant the Northern Lights would be AMAZING in this part of the U.S. tonight. I was so excited, as I’ve always wanted to see them and never have. Plus, some part of me felt that if I saw a super display, it meant Dad was in heaven and/or turning them on just for me.
  • MINNESOTA NCT DAY 53: Rothsay to Kent (5/12/2024) - I was hoping to have fewer miles today, since I hiked a little longer yesterday into Rothsay. But I didn’t. Still, I was hopeful. I had a long, flat road walk. Easy, right? Ha!
  • MINNESOTA NCT DAY 54 / North Dakota Day 1: Kent to Walcott (5/13/2024) - Today’s hike to Walcott was pretty enjoyable. First, trail angel Colleen shuttled me back to Kent. What a lovely person! One thing I love about hiking, especially in this divisive era, is that it makes you realize the vast majority of people are so very kind.
  • North Dakota NCT Day 2: Walcott to Ekre Campsite (5/14/2024) - Today’s trek to the Ekre Trailhead was, once again, a blur. I’m sorry. I am so distracted. The path out of Walcott was on grassy patches scattered throughout town. At one point you hiked through a small park, then along a tiny patch of trail behind homes.
  • North Dakota NCT Day 3: Ekre Campsite to Middle Trailhead (5/15/2024) - Wow. Today was a tough day. The forecast called for rain starting in the afternoon – not a big deal. Well, I woke up to rain, and it rained ALL DAY. Not a downpour, but still. If it rains all day, you will end up soaking wet and muddy, no matter the gear you have.
  • North Dakota NCT Day 4: Middle Trailhead to Hwy. 27 Trailhead (5/16/2024) - Today’s trek from Middle Trailhead to the Hwy. 27 Trailhead was supposed to be a rest day of sorts – less than 9 miles (14.5 km) to hike. Since I needed to get back home for Dad’s funeral, I decided to strike out earlier than normal with a tiny pack, then run/hike this section. This way I could finish quickly and make it home by early evening.
  • North Dakota NCT Day 5: Hwy. 27 Trailhead to Bridge Near Lisbon (5/20/2024) - I was hoping today’s hike to the bridge south of Lisbon would be healing. My Dad’s funeral was very nice, yet very emotional, especially the military honor guard portions. Trail angel Maria met me at Sandager City Park, where I’ll be camping tonight, and drove me to the trailhead. Then I was off.
  • North Dakota NCT Day 6: Bridge Near Lisbon to Mineral Springs (5/21/2024) - Today's hike from the bridge to Mineral Springs turned out to be pretty decent. After a nice evening camping at Sandager Park in Lisbon, I headed out to meet my new trail angel, Mary, at the Mineral Springs parking lot a little earlier than normal. The weather forecast said rain was coming, but the time the rain would fall kept changing from as long as 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. to as short as noon until 3 p.m.
  • North Dakota NCT Day 7: Mineral Springs to Kathryn (5/22/2024) - Today was an interesting day as I made my way from Mineral Springs to Kathryn. But, really, most days on the trail are interesting! Last night was super windy, as I noted. This morning seemed calmer. Thanks to Mary, I got on the trail around 8:30. The first several miles were a road walk from Mineral Springs to and through Fort Ransom.
  • North Dakota NCT Day 8: Kathryn to Valley City (5/23/2024) - Today’s trek to Valley City was not that much fun. Not every day on the trail is a good one. The forecast called for storms starting around 7 p.m., but it began raining (lightly) in the morning.
  • North Dakota NCT Day 9: Valley City to NW of Valley City (5/24/2024) - It stormed at night and into the morning here in Valley City, so good call on the motel. We waited until 10:30 this morning to get going, because it was still raining and miserable. Plus, we only had 16.5 miles (26.6 km) of road walks, so we knew we could make good time.
  • North Dakota NCT Day 10: NW of Valley City to West Ashtabula (5/25/2024) - Ed and I were excited today to hike along Lake Ashtabula. It’s supposed to be a big recreational area here in North Dakota. Also, after yesterday’s rain and wind, the day was supposed to be sunny and lovely.
  • North Dakota NCT Day 11: West Ashtabula to North of Sibley (5/26/2024) - Today's trek from West Ashtabula to a parking spot north of Sibley was supposed to be mostly on trail. Despite yesterday's poor trail conditions, we wanted to try this section in the hopes it would be better, even though it's essentially the same area. So we drove to the northernmost trailhead on Lake Ashtabula and struck out.
  • North Dakota NCT Day 12: North of Sibley to Cooperstown (5/27/2024) - Ed and I had a restful night at our apartment rental in Cooperstown. Last night, we dined at The Fish Bowl, one of the only local spots with food (one of their restaurants just burned down recently – yikes). We enjoyed chatting with some of the locals in the bar. 
  • North Dakota NCT Day 13: Cooperstown to Binford (5/28/2024) - Today's trek from Cooperstown to Binford started off a little depressing, but ended quite well. I was sad this morning because Ed was heading back home, so I won't see him for a few weeks. Plus, I'm still down about Dad's death, even though he lived a long and fulfilling life.
  • North Dakota NCT Day 14: Binford to Grace City Area (5/29/2024) - Today's hike (backwards) from the Grace City area to Binford was OK. But first, a little about last night. I had a pleasant night camping. Yes, it got a little cold. But since I was the only one in the campground, I set out today's clothes in the warm bathroom. When I got up today, it was so nice to just walk into the bathroom and put on warm, clean clothes in a toasty room.
  • North Dakota NCT Day 15: Grace City Area to New Rockford (5/30/2024) - Oh. My. Goodness. The wind here is insane! I’ve only been in the state a few weeks, so obviously I am no expert. But the wind has normally been stopping around dinnertime or, at worst, at 7 or 8 p.m. Yesterday it blew all day and ALL NIGHT.
  • North Dakota NCT Day 16: New Rockford to Bridge (5/31/2024) - Today was a great day! I love, love, love the good days on the trail. First, after all of the crazy winds the other night, there were none last night so I slept really well. Had a leisurely breakfast, since I wasn’t breaking camp, then met Patty for my shuttle to the canals.
  • North Dakota NCT Day 17: Bridge to Hwy. 52 (6/1/2024) - Today was a lovely day on the NCT in North Dakota. Once again, I slept pretty well in the New Rockford City Park. After stopping in at random businesses yesterday, seeing if anyone wanted to earn some cash by shuttling me today, I came up with nothing. Thankfully, this is a rare occurrence on the National Scenic Trails I've been hiking. But on the few times it occurs, I do out-and-backs.
  • North Dakota NCT Day 18: Hwy. 52 to Faul Campground (6/2/2024) - Today was one of those hiking days you’d describe as, “The good, the bad and the ugly.”  After a lovely night at the Cobblestone Inn & Suites in Harvey, where I was able to wash my clothes, buy groceries and have a nice, hot shower, I woke up energized for the day. I had a shorter day, all along the flat, easy canals. Or so I thought.
  • North Country NCT Day 19: Faul Campground to Drop Chute Area (6/3/2024) - Another good/not-so-good day on the trail. Woke up this morning to – surprise – unpredicted rain from last night. The fog was also as thick as pea soup, as they say. I met my shuttler, Gerald, at my ending point south of Drop Chute. He then drove me back to Faul Campground.
  • North Dakota NCT Day 20: Drop Chute Area to Hwy. 200 (6/4/2024) - I totally dodged a bullet last night in deciding not to camp at Jensen Campground, near the end of the day's hike from the Drop Chute area. It ended up raining for hours, and the area got around one inch of rain, I'm told. Yikes!
  • North Dakota NCT Day 21: Hwy. 200 to Chain of Lakes (6/5/2024) - Wow, good call on hiking backwards today. Steve met me at the same spot as yesterday, just west of McClusky. He shuttled me to a parking spot near St. John’s Lake at the Chain of Lakes Recreation Area, which was southwest of my car.
  • North Dakota NCT Day 22: Chain of Lakes to Bridge (6/6/2024) - Today was such a weird, wonderful day. First, Steve told me the wind yesterday got measured at a peak of 57 mph (91.7 kph). Wow! Today it was supposed to be about 10 mph (16.1 mph) weaker. I don't think that happened!
  • North Dakota NCT Day 23: Bridge to Audubon National Wildlife Refuge (6/7/2024) - A lovely day on the trail today, heading to the  Audubon National  Wildlife Refuge. I woke up early and packed up the car. It was so wonderful to escape the insane winds and sleep in the Turtle Lake Baptist Church these last two nights. I had my choice of couches to sleep on, a huge kitchen, bathroom and even classroom space to write these journal entries!
  • North Dakota NCT Day 24: Audubon National Wildlife Refuge to Riverdale (6/8/2024) - Today’s hike to Riverdale was a pretty good one. Woke up early with the sun and enjoyed a quiet breakfast at camp, as almost everyone was still sleeping. Zipped into town to grab some ice, then met my new trail angel, Luanna, at the park entrance.
  • North Dakota NCT Day 25: Riverdale to Western Terminus! (6/9/2024) - Woo hoo – I made it to the NCT's Western Terminus today! It was a surreal feeling. Last night I once again stayed at Lake Sakakawea State Park. This place is pretty nice, although the showers could be a little warmer. Instead of the normal morning shuttle, which would have me arriving at the terminus alone – and unable to take that all-important photo! – I drove myself to my starting point and arranged for Luanna to meet me at the terminus around 11:45.


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