We heard lots of coyotes howling last night, and once a wolf. It was pretty cool. We set our alarm to wake us at 6 a.m. because we need to be back home in time to host a book club meeting tonight.
We had eaten, broke camp and were on the trail by 7:30 a.m. Because we’d gone so much farther than planned yesterday, today we had just 4.4 miles left to the Drummond trailhead.
The mosquitoes were out in full force once again, and it was muggy with no breeze. So not the most pleasant. We also ran in to several stretches with lots of wild raspberries that scratched us. Oh, well!
Lots of hunting dogs were out; we think they might have been in training to hunt bears, which is controversial here. Passed Sally’s Overlook, which appears to need some TLC, to say the least.
Reached the trailhead by 9:30 and are on the way home. When and where will we tackle the next stretch of the NCT?!
Snowshoe and Stubs
Wisconsin NCT miles today: 4.3
WI NCT miles to date: 80.0
Total NCT miles to date: 270.3
Total NCT miles to go: 4,329.7