Day 46: Near CDT to Valley
Today was a MUCH better day than yesterday! My campsite turned out to be OK and I had a decent night’s sleep. I was pondering trying to reach the Wolf Creek Trailhead, but that would require my trail angel to pick me up a day early. And I’d need a place to stay. Since it’s Labor Day weekend, I knew my chances were slim.
Day 47: Valley to Wolf Creek Pass
Today was a great day, hiking to Wolf Creek Pass! First, I only had about 4 miles (6.4 km) to get to the trailhead, and it was mostly downhill (although steep and rocky at points).
Day 48: Zero Day in Pagosa Springs
Today was so relaxing! Ed and I slept in, of course, then headed downtown for great coffee and breakfast treats at a local cafe. After that, we strolled around town, checking out the shops.
Day 49: Wolf Creek Pass to Stream
I’d planned the next few days’ hiking with Ed, from Wolf Creek Pass, assuming 17-milers (27.4 km) would be easy days for us. But not with this trail.
Day 50: Stream to Platoro
Once again, my hiking plans had to be reconfigured. Yesterday, of course, Ed and I made very slow progress, due to downed trees and some challenging terrain (long uphills, slippery scree, etc.).
Day 51: Platoro to Near Highway
Ed and I had a great night’s sleep and got up early. It was foggy, gray and cold. Grr! We don’t need more rain and cold.
Day 52: Near Highway to Cumbres Pass
Today’s trek to Cumbres Pass was largely a good one, although there were some fraught moments (big surprise!). Ed and I grabbed coffee at Fred and Debbie’s this morning, then hit the road by 8 a.m.
Day 53: Zero Day in Chama
This trip seems to be fraught with mishaps. So today is my birthday, and I’m a HUGE fan of birthdays. Since Ed is still here, I decided to take the day off and celebrate with a day-long ride on the famous Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad.
Day 54: Cumbres Pass to Scenic Overlook
Ed headed back home today, which was sad. But he dropped food for me in two spots so I don’t have to carry six days’ worth of food, so that was an amazing assist. He got me on the trail at Cumbres Pass before 8:30 a.m.
Day 55: Scenic Overlook to Pasture
Last night I heard coyotes, both at night and in the early morning. I love hearing them! Woke up with the sun and was on the trail by 8 a.m. The early miles were pretty good – well maintained, no logs to navigate, etc.
Day 56: Pasture to Rio Vallecitos
Today was a pretty good day. This morning, while packing up camp, a German man named Jonah strolled over. He’d camped in the same area and was headed in the same direction as me, but was hiking much faster. Still, it was good to converse with another hiker.
Day 57: Rio Vallecitos Area to Near Canjilon Lakes
After hearing so many animals two nights ago, last night was quiet. Which was weird, since I was next to a river (Rio Vallecitos). I thought animals might be stopping by to drink. It rained three times and got cold, so the tent was wet this morning. Rats.
Day 58: Near Canjilon Lakes to Gravel Road
I’m trying not to panic by writing this, sitting on a gravel road. I hate days that start out with such promise, then turn to crap.
So I broke camp, loaded up with water and hit the trail.
Day 59: Zero Day in Abiquiu
So what, exactly, ended up happening yesterday – Friday the 13th! – before I was safe in Abiquiu? The couple helping me finally got Liz on the phone, who said she was at a college in a nearby town. What the heck?! It was 5 p.m., and Liz knew she had my stuff. Why would she go to a college in a nearby town?! The story got crazier.
Day 60: Martinez Canyon Trailhead to Skull Bridge Trailhead
After hanging with the cyclists for a day or so, it was sad to see them bike off. I especially liked Kai from the Netherlands. He said he had to give me a hug goodbye. Aww! Goldie drove me to the trailhead west of town, and I was off by 9 a.m.
Day 61: Skull Bridge Trailhead to Road
Little did I know this morning that today would be my last day on the CDT for the year, and for New Mexico.
It began raining at 4 a.m. I was hoping it would stop and my tent would dry, but nope. It continued until shortly before 8 a.m., when I packed up my sodden tent and began the day’s trek.