by adventuretoward | Sep 13, 2013 | Hiking, Ice Age Trail 2013, Trail Journals
Today’s destination is Highland Lakes West. The day started off a little sadly because I had to bid adieu to Maura. She was a great crew member. She got me to my first segment (the end of Harrison Hills), dropped some water for me in Parrish Hills, then headed...
by adventuretoward | Sep 14, 2013 | Ice Age Trail 2013, Trail Journals
Today’s journey toward the Lumbercamp segment started out with a connecting route of 4.5 miles (7.2 km). It made for a beautiful run, and the weather was perfect. Highland Lakes East was strange. I entered on a wide service-type road, then was almost immediately...
by adventuretoward | Sep 15, 2013 | Ice Age Trail 2013, Trail Journals
Today was a momentous day because I’d be going through the Kettlebowl segment that all of the hiker’s I’d met had warned me about. But today was a momentous day for a few other reasons. Mainly, it marked the day I finally stopped marching east and...