Large tree in grassy area.
Today’s trek from Walcott to the Ekre Trailhead was, once again, a blur. I’m sorry. I am so distracted.

The path out of Walcott was on grassy patches scattered throughout town. At one point you hiked through a small park, then along a tiny patch of trail behind homes.

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Next up was some hiking on gravel roads. It was windy once again. Two dogs were somewhat threatening here, but didn’t Stile in pastureland.get too close to me, thank goodness. But I am now carrying an air horn, recommended by famous NCT hiker Joan Young, plus mace.

Making My Way Toward Ekre

The last part of the day was on trail, and oh – suddenly the terrain was no longer flat! There were lovely hills and lots of grasses. It was quite pretty.

I think I’m nearing (or in?!) the famous Sheyenne National Grassland, which features flat areas but also choppy sand dunes. And, of course, grasses.

I was supposed to camp tonight at this Ekre camp, which would require a half-mile walk from the parking lot. The half-mile isn’t bad, but I’d have to tote lots of stuff from my car (tent, food, etc.). Instead, I booked a room at the Enderlin Inn, where I’d planned to stay the next two nights.

Good call. I appreciated the hot shower, plus it rained overnight (not in the forecast).


ND NCT miles today: 15.2 (24.5 km)
ND NCT miles to date: 30.9 (49.7 km)
Total NCT miles to date: 2,932.9 (4,720.1 km) 
Total NCT miles to go: 1,667.1 (2,682.9 km)

©2018 Melanie McManus – All Rights Reserved

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