Today’s trek from Walcott to the Ekre Trailhead was, once again, a blur. I’m sorry. I am so distracted.
The path out of Walcott was on grassy patches scattered throughout town. At one point you hiked through a small park, then along a tiny patch of trail behind homes.
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Next up was some hiking on gravel roads. It was windy once again. Two dogs were somewhat threatening here, but didn’t get too close to me, thank goodness. But I am now carrying an air horn, recommended by famous NCT hiker Joan Young, plus mace.
Making My Way Toward Ekre
The last part of the day was on trail, and oh – suddenly the terrain was no longer flat! There were lovely hills and lots of grasses. It was quite pretty.
I think I’m nearing (or in?!) the famous Sheyenne National Grassland, which features flat areas but also choppy sand dunes. And, of course, grasses.
I was supposed to camp tonight at this Ekre camp, which would require a half-mile walk from the parking lot. The half-mile isn’t bad, but I’d have to tote lots of stuff from my car (tent, food, etc.). Instead, I booked a room at the Enderlin Inn, where I’d planned to stay the next two nights.
Good call. I appreciated the hot shower, plus it rained overnight (not in the forecast).
ND NCT miles today: 15.2 (24.5 km)
ND NCT miles to date: 30.9 (49.7 km)
Total NCT miles to date: 2,932.9 (4,720.1 km)
Total NCT miles to go: 1,667.1 (2,682.9 km)