Small pond on hiking trail near Burma Road on North Country Trail.
Unfortunately, Ed was still in bad shape today, when our itinerary called for hiking many miles to Burma Road. So I headed out alone with him crewing me. I heard and saw a pair of sandhill cranes calling to one another across a lake. It was incredible. I saw a large beaver dam. I crossed a lot of boardwalks drowning in vegetation, which made me nervous because it’s tick season.

At one point, we had a crewing snafu. According to the paper map, it looked like the road intersected with the trail at one point at Maple Hill, when it actually paralleled the road – from on top of a tall hill. A really tall hill. I was nearly out of water, as I’d planned to get more from Ed, and I could see him on the road below. But he was so far down, and there were no paths, so there was no way for me to resupply. The next road crossing was in another 3.1 miles (5 km), so I soldiered on.

Burma Road, Here I Come!Sign pointing toward a beaver dam on the North Country Trail.

At the end of the day, when I reached Burma Road, I found a tick or two on me. ICK!


MI NCT miles today: 26.1 (42 km)
MI NCT miles to date: 165.7 (266.7 km)
Total NCT miles to date: 165.7 (266.7 km)
Total NCT miles to go: 4,434.3 (7,136.3 km)

©2018 Melanie McManus – All Rights Reserved

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