View of Manistee River from Harvey Bridge.
Today’s trek was from the Harvey Bridge trailhead to Ed’s car, parked at that awful Townline Road trailhead. The day was forecast for sunny, not too warm and breezy. Excellent! The four of us arrived at the Harvey Bridge trailhead around 8:40 a.m. And then we were off.

So, today was a pretty awesome day. The first few miles had scruffy vegetation that stung our legs. But then we segued into great trail. A lot was through cushy pine forests. We often meandered along the Manistee River, with killer views.

Leaving Harvey Bridge BehindHiker swinging on rope over Manistee River.

At one point, we saw two rope swings. The river/beach was very recessed, so you wouldn’t use those ropes. But we took some pix of us swinging on them just for fun. There were also some others hanging just in a camping area

We passed a lot of camping spots today. That is, places with great views of the river and fire rings and other amenities. We also passed a lot of people with (surprisingly) large campers/pop-ups. Not sure how they got here, as the roads are primitive, but good for them!

Day Is Done

Tomorrow our itinerary called for us camping near the Hodenpyl Dam. But there is supposed to be a lot of rain, so we decided to book sites at the Northern Exposure campground, which has showers and laundry. It’s always an adventure!

Oh – tonight we’re again staying at the lovely Holiday Inn Express in Cadillac.


MI NCT miles today: 18.5 (29.8 km)
MI NCT miles to date: 737 (1,186.1 km)
Total NCT miles to date: 1,504.5 (2,421.3 km)
Total NCT miles to go: 3,095.5 (4,981.7 km)

View of Manistee River from atop bluffs.

©2018 Melanie McManus – All Rights Reserved

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