Swamp along the Potomac Heritage Trail and near Capt. Billy’s Crab House.
Today’s destination was Capt. Billy’s Crab House. Thanks to my Lyft driver last night (Charlene), I learned I could schedule a ride. So I scheduled one for 8:15 at Capt. Billy’s, to be shuttled back to Dynard Elementary. I got there plenty early, so I had time to check out the great views of the Potomac River. Had a great Lyft driver from Liberia; we had a great conversation. Just after 9 a.m., I was off from Dynard.

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Heading Out for Capt. Billy’s Crab House

The forecast today was for temps topping 90 F (+32 C). Gross. Thank heavens I had the foresight to pack an extra pair of shorts. My shorts were soaking wet by noon, just three hours in. While the Red brick sign saying St. Mary’s County Welcomes You.first 90 minutes of the hike had been along a quiet country road, I then had 12 miles on a very busy state highway. Where could I change?!

Around noon, when I wanted to take a lunch break and change, I found a huge sign welcoming me to St. Mary’s County. Actually, it was for people traveling southbound; I was heading northbound and leaving St. Mary’s. But I was able to change behind the woods near the sign, then have a nice lunch in the shade.

Tackling the Heat

After lunch, I broke out my hiking umbrella, which is mainly for use against the sun. It was a godsend, although you don’t necessarily feel cooler using it. It’s more that your skin isn’t sizzling in the heat. Despite changing my shorts and using lots of Body Glide, I ended the day with huge chafed spots on my thighs. Not sure what I’ll do the next few days, as this weather is just continuing on. Ugh.

Pier stretching into the Potomac River near Capt. Billy’s Crab House.Re: the scenery, the best parts were passing a swamp called Allen’s Fresh Run and then the Potomac around Capt. Billy’s. Tonight I’m camping at Goose Bay, which is just off the trail (I’ll pass the access road tomorrow). It’s nice, and thank goodness there’s a breeze. But the showers are interesting. They only give off the slightest trickle of water. No matter. I was glad to have cold water trickling over my body, that’s for sure.

Can’t forget to mention that a nice man pulled over near the end of the day to ask if I needed a ride up the highway. Also, a man stopped me yesterday to ask if I was a European hiker – ha! The PHT isn’t marked here, so it’s clearly odd to see someone hiking with a backpack and trekking poles. We exchanged info and maybe I’ll see this guy, George, if/when I give some hiking talks in the region someday.


Today’s Miles: 19.1 (30.7 km)
PHT Miles to Date: 136.5 (219.7km)
PHT Miles to Go: =613.5 (987.3 km)


©2018 Melanie McManus – All Rights Reserved

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