Today was my final leg of the Eastern Continental Divide Loop: Hiking the remainder of the Meadow Mountain Trail to its northern terminus near Frostburg. Josh with Garrett Trails shuttled me to the spot near the overlook where I’d hopped on the trail two days ago, heading south. And this time, I headed northbound.
Hiking the Meadow Mountain Trail
The path northbound features many long uphill stretches, although at least the incline is on the gradual side. At times the gravel is pretty chunky – certainly not the crushed limestone you’ll typically find on recreational trails geared toward cycling or walking.
Rain is forecast to start late afternoon and continue well into tomorrow. At one point, the forecast called for showers while I’d be hiking, too, so I’d put on my rain cover. It never rained though. Yes!
I reached the end of the trail around 12:15 p.m. and was picked up by Bill, a local Uber driver. He deposited me back at the Trail Inn, where I’m waiting for the owner to return from a shuttle and give me a box of items I’d left here. Once he does that, I can shower and do laundry (one of the items in the box is a clean shirt!).
Today’s Miles: 11 (17.7 km)
PHT Miles to Date: 652.1 (1,049.5 km)
PHT Miles to Go: =97.9 (157.6 km)