Terra cotta colored road.
I didn’t set out for today’s goal, TLC Ranch, until 11 a.m. It was such a luxurious start to the day! I had to wait until the post office opened at 8 a.m. to get my resupply box, so I slept in until 7 a.m. The other guests had a similar schedule.

I got my box, which had too many supplies since I thought I’d be taking a longer route to Grants. So I left some for the others. Then I read some of the paper, chatted with the other hikers and enjoyed a leisurely breakfast.

Heading to TLC Ranch

But soon it was time to get going. The trek today was mostly smooth roads heading northbound. There were the requisite hills, but nothing extreme. The one bad thing was that I neglected to cover my ears. Once again, the entire day was under the full sun, so I burned the tips once again. When will I ever learn?!

There were a surprising number of vehicles on the road today, which all kicked up dust at me. Oh, well.Skeleton on a fence post.

I met two female hikers heading SOBO and four cyclists taking the Great Divide Mountain Bike Route, I think it’s called. It’s somewhat similar to this one, but not quite the same. It’s also the world’s longest off-pavement cycling route.

In one spot, I saw a skeleton on a fence post. I thought it was some reminder of how the desert can kill, but then I realized it was a Halloween decoration – ha!

Ending at the Ranch

The TLC Ranch is a family’s homestead. There’s an old dwelling on their property, near the road, around which they’ve created an area for people to camp, get water and fruit, and hang out. The water and fruit in particular were very welcome! But also the space, as there’s a ton of private property around here, so camping would have been a bit difficult. 

Old homestead in the desert.

Today’s Miles: 15.8 mi (25.4 km)
CDT Miles to Date: 420.3 (676.4 km)
CDT Miles to Go: 2,679.7 (4,312.6 km)


©2018 Melanie McManus – All Rights Reserved

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