by adventuretoward | Aug 14, 2013 | Ice Age Trail 2013, Trail Journals
And so it begins – final preparations for my latest adventure, “thru-running” Wisconsin’s Ice Age National Scenic Trail. Everyone is asking why I’m doing this. And a lot of people – Wisconsinites included – don’t even really know what the Ice Age...
by adventuretoward | Aug 15, 2013 | Ice Age Trail 2013, Trail Journals
When people take on challenges like a thru-hike, it’s often the result of many seemingly random events. One after another these events occur, silently weaving themselves together in your subconscious, until they take on a form you recognize. And can’t resist. Back in...
by adventuretoward | Aug 21, 2013 | Ice Age Trail 2013, Trail Journals
One common question I get is how I’m training for this trek of 1200 miles (1,931 km). Well, I’m not. Sounds a bit reckless, so let me explain. I love to run, and run 10+ miles (16+ km) several times a week, so my body is used to distance. The days I...
by adventuretoward | Aug 25, 2013 | Ice Age Trail 2013, Trail Journals
I never contemplated wildlife or insects such as ticks when I decided to run the Ice Age Trail. Pretty stupid, I know. I mean, I’ll be moving through lots of woods and wetlands, so obviously I’ll be encountering … things. On the Camino in Spain, I...
by adventuretoward | Aug 27, 2013 | Ice Age Trail 2013, Trail Journals
These days, whenever I travel I’ve always got company: Buddy, the SATW traveling teddy. Much like that paper dude, Flat Stanley, Buddy goes with me whenever I leave home. My lucky furry friend gets to explore interesting places all over the globe. But he helps...
by adventuretoward | Aug 28, 2013 | Ice Age Trail 2013, Trail Journals
There’s that famous line in Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” – “What’s in a name?” Well, plenty. First, every segment of the Ice Age Trail that’s been created has a name. And part of the reason I’m so anxious to...