by Melanie McManus | Jul 29, 2022 | Continental Divide 2022, Trail Journals
I can’t believe I’m getting ready to start a section-hike of the CDT, or Continental Divide Trail. It’s one of the Triple Crown trails within the 11 National Scenic Trails, along with the Appalachian Trail and the Pacific Crest Trail. It’s also...
by Melanie McManus | Sep 18, 2022 | Continental Divide 2022, Trail Journals
Can’t believe I was standing at Crazy Cook Monument this morning, starting my section-hike of the CDT. I’ve thought about this trail for so long – it seemed so wild and daunting. But one day I realized if I was smart, I’d hike it sooner than later....
by Melanie McManus | Sep 19, 2022 | Continental Divide 2022, Trail Journals
Today’s trek from the Big Hatchet Mountains to the Little Hatchet Mountains was intense. And not so much fun. Just being honest. I awoke to a beautiful sunrise, and took my time packing up and having breakfast. I was on the trail by 8:15 a.m., feeling pretty good...
by Melanie McManus | Sep 20, 2022 | Continental Divide 2022, Trail Journals
Today’s hike from Hachita Peak to near Vista Tank was interesting, to say the least! So was last night. As I was setting up camp a few miles shy of my goal, if you recall, I’d messaged Jeffery about possibly dropping off water for me tomorrow, as I was pretty low, and...
by Melanie McManus | Sep 21, 2022 | Continental Divide 2022, Trail Journals
I don’t want to seem like a whiner, but rather a realist, so other hikers know what to really expect. So many people downplay the hardship of various hikes. The CDT in mid-September through October is supposed to be glorious. At least before our weather got so wonky....
by Melanie McManus | Sep 22, 2022 | Continental Divide 2022, Trail Journals
When hiking long distances, you have to be flexible and ready to pivot. I kind of hate doing that; I love to follow my plan. But as I looked over my itinerary, I’d need to hike roughly 25 miles (40.2 km) today to get to Lordsburg and stay on schedule. Not too bad if...