by adventuretoward | Jul 7, 2017 | Colorado, Hiking, Stories, United States
Read This Article On The Star Tribune The Manitou Incline is a +2,700-step staircase in Manitou Springs, which is near Colorado’s Pikes Peak. This insane incline rises 2,000 vertical feet in just under one mile. That’s steep, folks. The Manitou Incline...
by adventuretoward | Aug 13, 2016 | Adventuring, Colorado, Stories
Read This Article On The Star Tribune Great Sand Dunes National Park in southern Colorado is home to the tallest sand dunes in all of North America. Why massive sand dunes in Colorado and not, say, a desert? Well, it’s all about the unique geology and wind patterns...
by adventuretoward | Dec 13, 2018 | Adventuring, Colorado, Quebec, Stories, United States
What is it like to hike the 310-mile Superior Hiking Trail, which hugs Minnesota’s North Shore? I hiked the trail in June 2018, accompanied by a photographer from the Minneapolis Star Tribune. I created vlogs nightly, then wrote a 7-part series outlining my...